Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Thats me! Well me on Xbox Live at least. Microsoft put out a new patch for the Xbox and kind of ripped off Nintendo with the avatar creation thing but I think the Microsoft ones are a bit cooler.

So it finally snowed and winter is officially in suck mode. I guess it's not too bad its just driving that is the worst so maybe it will be ok this year and not be too snowy but who knows! Thanks climate change!

Not much really happening on the Mike front lately. I had my Life Writing class in Second Life on Tuesday and that was absolutely terrible. Its an interesting experiment really. You get about 40 people who are pretty much anonymous, grouped together in one place and there's no limits on who can talk or speak so it ends up just being a mess of idiots trying to be funny or clever or "smart". My professor did create a stage where people who wished to speak had to be on top of but that didn't work at all. I eventually found out that he wasn't taking attendence and then my computer froze and I couldn't get back in so I guess lesson learned is Second Life and people are stupid. I was going to take some screen shots in Second Life during the "lecture" but I forgot and well it wasn't that interesting anyways.

I guess thats about it for now. I can't wait to start hearing Christmas music everywhere as soon as American thanksgiving is over, hurray!

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